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Podcast #65

The Upper Lip Frenulum and The Role of Sucking Pressures in Milk Volumes after Cesarean with Anne Eglash MD and Karen Bodnar MD

December 11, 2017

Join us to learn about the frequency of upper lip frenulums, and how to rate them. What do you know about typical infant sucking pressures, and what happens to milk volumes when mothers add pumping to nursing after undergoing cesarean births? You’ll get an earful!

Articles Discussed in this Podcast:
The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #22: Guidelines for Management of Jaundice in the Breastfeeding infant 35 Weeks or More of Gestation.

Effect of pumping pressure on onset of lactation after caesarean section: A randomized control study.


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Comments (2)

    Suzanne Branton

    How do you feel about the Symphony’s “initiate” cycle vs. the “maintain” cycle? What I have seen is the maintain cycle is more effective at removing colostrum in the first few days, but the claim is that the “initiate” cycle is more effective at hormonal stimulation, bringing in a more abundant supply later on. What are your thoughts on how accurate this is?


    From my experience I cannot answer this.

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