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Podcast #81

Hyperlactation Protocol, and Breastfeeding and the Corona Virus COVID-19 with Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC and Karen Bodnar MD, IBCLC

February 28, 2020

Karen and Anne discuss the latest Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol on Hyperlactation, followed by the most recent research on maternal corona virus infections during pregnancy and lactation.

Join us to learn how to evaluate and treat oversupply (hyperlactation). What are the behavioral option for treatment, and when is medical treatment indicated? Does the corona virus transmit into breastmilk? Listen and you shall learn!

Recorded in February 2020.


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Comments (7)

    Rosanne Gephart

    I would have liked more information, or a separate pod cast. We are in crisis with women afraid to go to the hospital because they are planning universal testing and separation of mothers and babies. Newborn 100% breastfeeding babies are at very low risk due to the high level of antibodies in the early human milk. Despite the data (while limited,) that direct transmission does not happen from the breastmilk, the separation will cause more breastfeeding issues. Funny how the milk is what everyone is focused on, not the breastfeeding! What are women’s rights in this situation?

    pauline Mc Loughlin

    Really informative podcast . Thank you . My experience during covid period is that I have helped disproportionately more women with hyperlactatìon. I would agree there has been a background of anxiety around having enough milk. I also agree with the hakka! as a cause of over supply.


    Very helpful. Thank you for these podcast!!


    Hello! Thanks so much for your work. Regarding oversupply, is there any scenario in which you would become suspicious for a new prolactinoma? I am working with a person has already done full drainage block feeding for several weeks, pseudoephedrine 60 mg twice daily for 10 days so far, sage tinctures for the last week, icing, chilled cabbage leaves, peppermint, and is seeing no downward progress in production. She is uncomfortable taking estrogen and surprised that she continues to have significant overproduction with no apparent improvement despite all these measures. Her physician has stated there is no need for prescription medications, so her next steps are unclear. Thank you.

    Anne Eglash

    No, I don’t believe that it is necessary to investigate for a prolactinoma. In addition to behavioral factors of reducing milk production (such as pumping less often if she is pumping), she may benefit from a few doses of cabergoline. This is not an uncommon situation.

    Rose deVigne-Jackiewicz

    Loved the hyperlactation discussion. I thought Cabergoline was not approved for use in the US. That is what a pharmacist told me. So, the mom went to Mexico to get it.


    Cabergoline is approved for use in the USA. Endocrinologists use it for pituitary tumors, and of course it is used for weaning/decreasing milk production.

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