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Podcast #32

Discussion about Research on Breastfeeding Success among Physicians, ADD and Breastfeeding, and a new ABM Protocol

June 21, 2016
Discussion about Research on Breastfeeding Success among Physicians, ADD and Breastfeeding, and a new ABM Protocol

Anne Eglash, MD and Karen Bodnar, MD

Physicians in practice are at risk for early weaning because of long demanding work hours that prevent them from taking breaks to pump or nurse. The study we review looked at the effect of breastfeeding success on a physician’s breastfeeding support of her patients. There is not much information on any relationship between attention deficit disorder and infant feeding, and this well-controlled study finds a correlation between infant feeding and ADD. Finally we review the latest recommendations by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine on features of a Breastfeeding Friendly Physician Office.

Recorded in June 2013. Approx 25 minutes.


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