Karen and Anne invite Dr. Glassman and Dr. Saslaw to discuss their model of newborn outpatient care in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx, and how their practice was transformed to care for newborns of COVID + mothers.
Around the country it is common for new mother-infant dyads to leave their maternity centers earlier than pre-COVID-19. Since so many medical offices are closed to COVID + individuals, how can COVID+ mothers find follow up for their newborn(s)? Drs Glassman and Saslaw share their solution for a population with high rates of COVID-19, Upper Manhattan and the Bronx, NYC.
Recorded in April 2020.
How many sick babies, due to Coved-19, of Covid-19 positive moms have you seen?
Emily L.
I am a mom and an IBCLC. My daughter is 3 months old. She has struggled with weight gain due to severe reflux. My pedi has been able to do regular well checks but unable to get us in for extra weight checks. The pedi GI has only been about to see us via Tela health. The hospital breastfeeding outpatient clinic has stopped offering weight checks.
I have been watching weight by getting on the scale I have at home while holding my baby (baby without clothes) then getting back on myself without baby. Then subtracting the numbers to get her weight. It’s not as accurate as the scale at the clinic but it is an inexpensive and accessible way to tell if my baby’s weight is increasing.
Anne Eglash
Thank you for sharing this. Many of us realize how hard it is to get babies weighed at this time. Please contact your physician to find out if they recommend that you purchase a scale. There are several scales that are available through mail order that are in the $35-60 range.