What is the effect of early routine formula supplementation on breastfeeding rates? We will review the latest study that involves small volumes of formula supplementation for breastfed infants.
While we discuss the results of Dr. Flaherman’s study on the effect of routine small volumes of formula on duration of breastfeeding, we will meander through several issues regarding newborn weight loss, ethics of routine supplementation, optimal breastfeeding support postpartum, and conflicts of interest in this study.
Recorded in June 2019.
Esther Lozano
Definitely Breast milk is the best start for babies, formula is not evil but one bottle matters and that bottle a day can cause several BF problems between mom and baby. I think hospitals don’t really pay attention to the early Breastfeeding stages.
Lindsy Jones
I am listening to this podcast for my LBCLC certification.
This was interesting , because I didn’t know supplementation was even necessary. I did go to a very good birth center in Davis CA. I exclusively breast fed my daughter way past the age of one, and I never even pumped. Obviously by one she was starting regular food. I remember her birth weight was low, but no one told me to supplement- they just told me to continue feeding every two hours, and within a day or so of leaving the hospital my milk came in, and she gained a bunch of weight before they had us come back in to check her weight…. I assume that introducing a separate liquid immediately after birth would interfere with breast feeding, because in order to properly produce milk especially in the beginning you need to keep nursing to establish the demand and relationship.
Kolene Tanner
I’m listening to this for the courses I am taking. I have 13 children and have breastfed for over 13 years. I never supplemented. Breastfeeding is supply and demand, so by supplementing your milk supply will be less. Some of my babies grew really fast, others didn’t, but they were all healthy. One baby was not gaining as much. The doctor told me to supplement, but I didn’t take his advice and I went with my mother instinct. I did feed him cereal a little sooner than my other babies but he is now 6’3″ and extremely healthy.
A friend of mine who had her baby about the same time had the same problem. Instead of going with her gut instincts, she listened to the doctor. Her baby, after supplementing, wouldn’t take the breast. He became very ill and they tried all kinds of formulas that he could tolerate. He has been a sickly person all his life. I don’t know if he would be that way had she continued to breast feed, but that difference was a stark reminder that breast milk is the best for the baby.