Handouts List

Medications During Lactation

Updated 04/22
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Most medications are safe during lactation. Therefore, it is unlikely that a lactating parent needs to ‘pump and dump’ or to wean for treatment of medical problems. The most common form of treatment that likely requires weaning is cancer chemotherapy.

Below are several free, web-based resources on using medications during lactation:

Resource Name What is it? How do I contact them?
LactMed The US National Institute of Health Drugs & Lactation Database Click Here
Dr. Thomas Hale’s Infant Risk Center Physician hotline A research center for medication safety during pregnancy and lactation (806) 352-2519
No answering machine. If busy or no answer, you will need to call back. Only open during regular business hours.
You may also explore their Infant Risk website for info.
e-lactancia A comprehensive medication and herbal medicine database in Spain, available in English and Spanish Click Here
Organization of Teratology Information Specialists Information on medications during pregnancy and lactation. They offer free online chats and phone calls for families and health professionals Click Here
Trash The Pump and Dump A website and app by IABLE that describes the safety of medications and substances during lactation Click Here

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